My Reading

Reading and Raining… It’s a Good Thing

Rain, rain.... please stay. 💙 Every day this week. I finally finished Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult. Not sure why it took me so long, because it was g o o d! Such a fantastic ending. Can’t wait for my daughter to read this one. She loves elephants. Ok rain, do your thang!

My Writing

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day Is there only 1 day to say thank you to our mothers? From the moment of conception till you take your last breath and beyond, motherhood is an everyday experience. When my first child was born, I slept with her monitor inside the crib with her. I am sure people thought I was… Continue reading Mother’s Day

My Writing

My Humble Writing Beginnings

My first published piece. The other day came across the first piece I ever wrote that was published. It was a simple two sentence statement about the weather. But it caught someone’s attention enough that they wanted to print it.  I was already interested in writing; I just didn’t know the flame of seeing my… Continue reading My Humble Writing Beginnings