Poetry, Readiness for children and parents

Thanks! It Has Pockets!

I have a newfound obsession with pockets. When I go out into the woods to walk in Michigan, I always make sure I wear a sweatshirt with pockets, or I take along a bag with pockets. I love picking up rocks, pinecones, colored leaves or fallen flowers. I also carry my phone…. Not to talk… Continue reading Thanks! It Has Pockets!

My Writing, Poetry


Blathering’s November is here  So, that’s what I hear.  Thus, writers round the world Pencils, pens, their fingers are curled. Writing like mad men  writing 50,000 words or more pulling and piecing their words to score. Blathering’s of such Creating a novel is much More than just words on the paper More like a playful… Continue reading Blathering’s

My Writing, Poetry, Uncategorized

Oudewater Weigh House ~ Something Wicked This Way Comes

With Halloween almost upon us and magic in the air, My friend Ruxi and I visited a weigh house and thought we would share. We traveled to Oudewater on a bright sunny day, But what lay before us, neither could say. Canals, leaning trees, we followed the winding path Driving back through time when people… Continue reading Oudewater Weigh House ~ Something Wicked This Way Comes